If you are injured on the job, you want to be cared for at a hospital close to home. However, if you are a truck driver involved in an accident, your primary care will come in a hospital near where the accident occurred. No one wants to be alone, away from loved ones and the doctors they trust when in the hospital, but this is an unfortunate reality for some truck drivers.
How do you handle this situation? You can still seek compensation for injuries, but interstate law could bring a few twists and turns to your case. By knowing this information before you’re involved in an accident, you can be best prepared to handle it if it does happen.
The first call
If you are injured, you may be unable to speak with authorities at the scene to tell your side of the story or obtain the paperwork. When you are able to make a phone call, you will probably think to call a loved one first, then your employer second. You might think your duty is done at this point because your employer has started the process.
However, there’s a third call you should make – to a workers’ compensation attorney. As they say, the third time is the charm and a workers’ compensation attorney will ensure that you are cared for when injured out of state.