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Workers’ Compensation FAQ

At Brock Law Offices in Lincoln, our workers’ comp attorneys want to empower injured workers with knowledge of the complex workers’ compensation system. For that reason, we have provided answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about these claims:

What Should I Do After Being Hurt On The Job?

After suffering a workplace injury, you should immediately file an accident report with your employer. You should take notes of the details of the situation. You should see your own doctor as soon as possible. You may also want to talk to a lawyer.

What Benefits Am I Entitled To?

Under Nebraska workers’ compensation law, you are entitled to three types of benefits: medical, indemnity (also known as wage loss) and vocational benefits.

Can I Choose My Own Doctor?

In most cases, you can and should see your own doctor. The law states that this must be a doctor that has seen or treated you or a family member previously.

Will I Get All My Lost Wages Reimbursed?

The law calls for indemnity benefits that cover two-thirds of your average weekly wages. There are minimums and maximums at play.

What Is A Third-Party Personal Injury Claim?

When a workplace accident is caused by a third party, a party other than the employer, the victim may be able to file a personal injury claim against that party. This is common in cases involving on-the-job auto or truck accidents, for example. These claims may allow a workplace injury victim to recover money above and beyond what is provided by workers’ compensation.

Do I Need An Attorney?

You are not required to have an attorney handle a workers’ compensation claim for you, but an attorney may be able to help a great deal. An attorney can help you get all of the benefits you are entitled to when the employer or its insurance company attempts to underpay or deny your claim. An attorney can cut through delays so you can get your benefits as soon as possible. Workers’ compensation cases are so complex that you may not even know that you are missing out on required benefits without the help of an experienced attorney.

The lawyers at Brock Law Offices have been contacted by injured workers in the past after they have settled their workers’ compensation cases, and even though those cases were settled for less than they were worth, once a case is settled, it is almost always too late to help those folks. It is best to contact an experienced lawyer early to discuss whether hiring a lawyer is in the injured workers’ best interest. Good lawyers will always tell a potential client whether hiring legal counsel is a wise decision, even when the answer is “No.”

Not every case really calls for the help of a lawyer. At Brock Law Offices, we pride ourselves on honesty. If we evaluate your case and believe that it truly is something you can handle on your own, we will encourage you to do so and offer you guidance. If we believe you can benefit from our services, we will handle your claim on a contingency basis, which means you pay nothing unless your case is a success. It all begins with a free consultation.

Contact us today at 402-800-1037 or by email.