Nebraska's Truck Crash Lawyer


On Behalf of | Feb 9, 2021 | Firm News

The risks of driving a truck in Nebraska include fatigue, distraction and inclement weather. Trucking logs aim to reduce driver risks by encouraging responsible behavior.

When trucking companies require their drivers to submit the data on their trucking log, their drivers may feel more incentive to form and maintain safe driving habits.


A typical trucking log requires drivers to enter information about each of their jobs including all of their activities over a 24-hour period. These activities should include both times spent on duty and off duty. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, drivers can record multiple stops in one town as a single stop. For example, if they stop in town to fill their truck with gas and then again to purchase a meal or groceries, they can record both stops as one. However, depending on their employer, they may need to provide further detail about what the stops were for at a different point in the log.


Truckers can benefit from properly filling out the information. Often, based on the data from logs, trucking companies assess the effectiveness of their methods for scheduling jobs. If a trucker lacks adequate time to deliver freight safely because of unrealistic deadlines, a trucking log can provide evidence of these challenges. The Truckers Report says that the Surface Transportation Assistance Act or STAA provides protections for drivers who refuse to comply with unrealistic delivery times.

At the conclusion of each entry in a trucking log, drivers must provide a signature. Once signed, drivers admit responsibility for their behavior. False or modified information can result in costly penalties and compromise future driving opportunities. Working together with their employer, truckers can utilize the trucking log and its data to establish communication, encourage responsibility and identify when changes can improve driver efficiency and safety.

